Donald Trump brags about his ability to manipulate high level government officials with his generous campaign contributions. One, $25,000, was received by Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, just preceding her decision to drop her office investigation of his alleged fraudulent educational scheme in the state. Trump's scheme is being investigated by multiple states around the country. She said the appearance of "pay for play" was a coincidence. This is the same Attorney General who could not attend to official state business because it interfered with her important fund raising activities.
Both Federal and State agencies are investigating what appears to be an ugly transaction. This is a great opportunity for leadership and integrity by Florida elected officials. The investigating State Agency is the Constitutionally Independent Commission on Ethics. The Agency has had the request for an investigation since June, and still has not ruled on probable cause. The four month time frame for what appears to be obvious, smells politically. All Cabinet members, except Bondi--Governor Scott, Commissioner Putnam, and Comptroller Atwater could and should call for the Commission Executive Director to explain the delay. The House of Representatives does not have a standing Committee on Ethics, but the Senate does, and incoming President Joe Negron (R., Stuart) has been a member. So, Scott, Putnam, Atwater, and Negron all can and should bring this matter up for public scrutiny, before the election.
This is a real chance for individual integrity.