Post #15, Bob McKnight's Subscription Commenatary
The Lobster Sanctuary Act--A small sacrifice by a few to benefit the greater good of many.
A number of newspapers around the state have current pictures of individuals harvesting plump legal size lobster throughout The Florida Keys and Card Sound. It brought back personal memories of my Senate Bill 355, enacted in the 1979 Session of the Florida Legislature. I remember the debate on my bill, being opposed by a small group of sports fisherman, who have crafted harvesting of lobster with bully nets. I asked them to make a small sacrifice for the greater good of many. I am pleased to report they did.
With data from the Florida Department of Natural Resources and the Everglades National Park Service , it was argued that by protecting the small, baby lobsters in a fertile area, it would ultimately result in a larger, legal population of lobsters. Most fisherman and woman agreed, and Governor Bob Graham signed SB 355 into law in 1979.
Over the years the Sanctuary boundaries have been digitized and established so the public is very aware of what's in and what's not in terms of spiny lobsters. The Sanctuary is diligently regulated and monitored by government agencies
The Lobster Sanctuary Act --A small sacrifice by a few to benefit the greater good of many.