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Post # 19, Bob McKnight's Subscription Commentary

'Do What I Say, Not What I Do'

The ;more one looks at politicians, the more there seem to be similarities. Look at probably the two most polarizing politicians of our time--Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

I would argue that with some exceptions both are despised by a significant number of Americans because they pretend to be someone they obviously are not. Look closely:

Bill Clinton

  • By his record, is a liberal, draft dodger, excessive regulator, womanizer, proponent of gay rights, business cheat, favoring abortion on demand, woman's rights, gun control and supporting affirmative action.

  • But he pretends to be a moderate, religious, work for welfare, pro-defense, pro-business, favoring abortion on demand, woman's rights, gun control and supporting affirmative action.

Donald Trump

  • By his record is anti-gun, repeated draft dodger, business cheat, pro-gay rights and abortion, anti-gun, a dove on military action, serial liar, womanizer, non church attender, functionally illiterate, indifferent about fiscal responsibility, anti-immigrant, and racist..

  • But, he pretends to be religious, pro-life, anti-gay, fiscally conservative, pro-defense, pro business, supports 2nd Amendment, anti-immigrant and racist.

The areas marked in red are those in which Clinton and Trump are truthful. Among other reasons, this is fundamentally why we are so angry at our politicians--many of which, like Clinton and Trump, are phonies.

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