Post # 37, Bob McKnight's Subscription Commentary
Well Done Mr. President
Watching the moving memorial service this week for former President George H. W. Bush reminded me of my contact with him in Miami some 35 years ago.
I was serving as Chairman of the 30 member Miami-Dade Delegation to the Legislature, and with that position, was asked by Miami Citizens Against Crime (M.C.A.C.) Chairman Alvah Chapman (CEO of Knight Ridder Media Group) to become a member of the organizations' Executive Committee. M.C.A.C.. had grown into a mega community based Who's Who of South Florida leaders determined to quell the crime rate in Miami. Although not a member of M.A.C.A., future Florida Governor Jeb Bush was very supportive of the effort, and volunteered to be the valuable contact within the Reagan-Bush Administration.
From that point forward, Vice President Bush became a frequent guest to meetings of the M.C.A.C., particularly as head of the President's Drug Fighting Task Force. President Bush was a very serious participant in all our meetings, asking on point questions to the 50 member organization. Although he was not yet elected President, it was obvious that he was well suited for the awesome responsibility.
It was an honor to work with President Bush #41 on M.C.A.C.