Post # 363, Bob McKnight's Florida Commentary
The Immigration Fight in Florida is Really about Lake O.
It is indeed rare to see Republicans like Governor DeSantis and the new leaders in the legislature fighting over implementing Trump-demanded anti-immigration laws in Florida. Senate President Ben Albritton and House Speaker Daniel Perez not only passed their own legislation but also refused to meet in Session to take up the Governor's bill. Both leaders have only been in their presiding positions a few months, so their defiance of the Governor was even more significant.
The other key party in the fight is Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson, a future candidate for Governor. In the past, Simpson, a former Senate President, and the Governor fought over restoring the Everglades. The Governor took the side of the environmentalists and Simpson took the side of Big Sugar, allegedly the primary polluter in the fight. Immigration cuts through the imbroglio because farm workers are critical to agriculture in Florida, especially around Lake Okeechobee. The Albritton-Perez favored anti-immigration legislation allegedly favors retaining provisions for Big Sugar and agriculture. It allegedly consolidates state immigration policy with the Agriculture Commissioner, and not the Governor. It is said that the DeSantis favored legislation keeps control of immigration policy in his office and appears harsher on immigration labor. DeSantis has said that the Senate President, an Agriculture professional, should not even be deciding the issue since he is an agriculture professional, regulated by the Commissioner. That dispute is getting ugly.
It is expected that the two sides will defer to the wishes of President Trump and neither side has an indication of Trump's preference. My guess is that he will side with the Senate President and Speaker of the House against the Governor. DeSantis is finding that his decision to take on Trump in the election will have consequences on his future political plans.