Post #362, Bob McKnight's Florida Commentary
The protection against attacks on our Democracy should come first from the Republicans. But only three spoke up.
Donald Trump knew his promise to "free the hostages" was going to be difficult. Yes, he described the 1,500 felons who he asked to attack our Capitol on January 6, 2021, as "patriots." They attacked and even killed some police who were trying to keep the Capitol and Americans safe, including Trump. The felons came to Washington that day at Trump's request, attacked the Capitol as he asked, and did not leave until arrested. Through all this, Republicans in Congress said next to nothing. When asked during her Senate confirmation hearing, the former Florida Attorney General Candidate promised she would look at the 1,500 on a case-by-case basis. That never happened.
Last week it was reported that it would take too long to go through each case by case, so again breaking his word, Trump freed all of them. The next day under withering criticism, Trump came up with a novel new lie, "We believe in second chances." Some of the 1,500 freed by Trump have already been charged with new crimes. Some interviewed said they would revert back to payback. Those felons wanted second chances to finish their work and Trump granted them.
Other than 3 Republican Senators, the GOP in Congress is stone silent, which is a loss of the bi-partisan protection provided in our Constitution and Statutes. After one week back in office, here are just five actions by President Trump of what has been done to our Country:
Over 1,500 convictions of an assault on our Capitol have been pardoned, without review.
Thirteen Inspector Generals providing integrity protection in our government have been fired.
Trump has tried to overturn the 14th Amendment to our Constitution dealing with citizenship, without discussion.
Social media has eliminated any attempt to fact-check information, destroying the veracity of communication with most Americans.
With disease, fires, hurricanes, freezing weather, and record heat waves, the U.S. has withdrawn from World agencies working on protections.
Most Americans want to support our new President, including this writer. But the 5 examples above as a reflection of his first week in office should not go without comment and strong objection. Criticism of these attacks should come first and loudest from the Republicans in Congress. They are where the protections for our Country and Democracy should start. The protections are there and have worked as we saw in Watergate.
Is it far enough yet for the Republicans to speak up?