Post # 323, Bob McKnight's Florida Commentary
This is a Re-send of this Post due to Internet being down.
It is very common today to hear Americans say, can't we find a better candidate? That is true with both Republicans and Democrats. Even if a person is identified, then the question is how can they get elected with the control of the candidates in the hands of the two political parties. A candidate can run on the ticket of a third party, but the chances of that candidate getting on enough state ballots is remote.
What If we approached the candidate selection solely on the basis of an individual first? What if we identified individuals who could be role models for president of the United States? Here are some of my model presidents, in no particular order:
Democrats: Florida Governor Reuben Askew
Georgia Senator Sam Nunn
Massachusetts Speaker Tip O'Neill
Washington Senator Scoop Jackson
Montana Senator Mike Mansfield
Florida Congressman Dante Fascell
Indiana Congressman Lee Hamilton
Florida Governor Bob Graham
Washington Speaker Tom Foley
West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller
Virginia Governor Doug Wilder
Colorado Congresswoman Pat Schroeder
Republicans: Indiana Senator Richard Lugar
Secretary of State Richard Baker
Tennessee Senator Howard Baker
California Congressman Peter McCloskey
Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen
New York Senator Jacob Javits
New York Mayor John Lindsey
New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller
Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith
Massachusetts Senator Edward Brooke
Illinois Senator Charles Percy
California Governor Pete Wilson
This list is incomplete but is reflective of the qualities needed in a president, which should be:
Sense of Humor