Special Post: How Biden and the Democrats Can Win.
Debate Results, The Supreme Court Ruling and Options Now.
Quorum Call for Sheriff Ed Blackburn, (D., Tampa).
The Democrat's Hope in Florida
What Could Bring Back The Democrats?
Jail for Trump?
Quorum Call for Senator Warren Henderson (R., Sarasota)
If Not Biden, Who?
Can Trump Win From Jail?
Presidential Models
Quorum Call for Representative Sid Martin (D., Hawthorne)
We Do Have a Speaker
Florida members of Congress: 'Do as I say, not as I Do'
DeSantis spent millions of Florida funds to fight Disney's right of free speech.
Quorum Call for Senator Ed Dunn (D., Daytona Beach)
Our Constitution Protects Trump So He Can Change It.
Republican House: Not Profiles in Courage
Quorum Call for House Rules Chairman Gus Craig, D. (St. Augustine)
Quorum Call for Senator Pat Neal of Bradenton